
Where To Begin When Decluttering

- by Surri Weisenburger
Where To Begin When Decluttering

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You’re probably saying to yourself, “I just don’t know where to begin”. I always recommend starting with the area that bothers you the most or will have the most impact in your life. Maybe it’s as small as your junk drawer or office desk. If opening your bedroom closet gives you major anxiety every time you open it, then that’s probably where you want to start.

Here are a few guidelines you can follow to help you tackle that declutter in your home.

Yes, the bedroom closet may be #1 on your list, but if you find that it’s just too overwhelming to even think about, then start small instead. Decluttering that out of control junk drawer may give you enough feeling of accomplishment to motivate you to move on to those bigger areas.

Follow the 80/20 rule. Believe it or not, we generally only wear 20% of the clothes we own. 20%! That’s also true for many household items such as books, dvd’s, games, toys and more. Start by purging the 80% of those items you no longer wear or use.

Follow the one-in, one-out rule. For every new item you bring into your home, one old item must go. Bought a new shirt? Get rid of one. Got a new book? Time to donate an old one.

Does it work? Still have that broken cuckoo clock sitting around? Repair it or get rid of it. Why let it continue to take up needed space and collect dust.

When was the last time you used it? Just found that long lost item you forgot you even had? If it’s been 6 months or more, it’s likely you no longer need it.

Keep track of what you have. Each time you wear something in your closet or read a book on your bookshelf, put the item back the opposite direction. Give yourself a timeline, 6 months to a year. At the end of that period, if you haven’t worn it or read it, get rid of it.

Does it bring you joy? You can follow Marie Kondo's signature line and ask yourself if the item truly brings you joy, but also ask yourself if the item is actually useful. It can be easy to justify how that mug your kids made for you makes you smile although you haven’t used it in years. Or that impulse skirt purchase because it was on sale but you still haven't worn.

Digitize sentimental items. While we’re on the subject, rather than keep that unused mug your child made for you or any other items you just can’t seem to part with, take a photo, write a description of it and start a digital memory/scrapbook. Now you’re able to “keep” the item forever without it cluttering up any space in your home.

Does it have a home? Everything should have a designated space. If you haven't found a proper home for your item, it’s time to pare down.

Keep like items together. Love to bake? Make sure all your bakeware is together in your cabinet and all your baking goods are stored in a see through bin in your pantry for easy access.

Get rid of duplicates. No need to even further explain this one.

Put things back where they belong. An easy piece of advice that goes a long way. Once you’ve finished using something, put it right back where it belongs.

Once you’ve completed your decluttering, sleep on it. Was there something that kept you up thinking about it? It’s not too late to change your mind. Just don’t start second guessing every item you parted with.

Still need help? When all attempts have failed, consider reaching out to a professional organizer. Having an expert come to help and guide you will set you on the path to the clutter free life you’ve always wanted.